(02) 9569 8252​
28 Hercules St, Dulwich Hill, NSW
Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece
Our concern for salvation must be without delay due to the impending danger to our soul’s salvation. He who is unconcerned about the salvation of his soul is at risk of two-fold danger: he may either be unexpectedly snatched by death or abandoned by the grace of God. In both cases the harm is immense, because the outcome is the death of his soul. This is why St John Chrysostom instructs us by saying: ‘Do not delay returning to the Lord, nor wait from one day to the next, lest you are crushed as you wait. The time of death is unknown; and it is unknown for this reason: so that you may always be vigilant. This is why the day of the Lord comes in the same manner as a thief in the night; not to steal, but to make us more secure. For he who foresees the thief lives with vigilance and, having lit a lantern, is always awake. And so, similarly, you also having lit the light of the faith and the proper way of life, hold on to the candles cheerfully in continual wakefulness. Since we do not know when the Bridegroom comes, it is necessary to be prepared always, so that when He comes, He may find us vigilant’
(Repentance and Confession – St Nektarios)
Therfore, let us not delay in turning to our merciful Lord. Let us not wallow in despair and lonely misery because of the multitude of our dreadful sins. Despair brings joy to the devil, and as it is written, it is a sin unto death. We are instructed not to give in to sorrow and despair, but rather, to rejoice and to praise God, for He has brought a sinner to righteousness. By the way, when you repent of a sin, it means that you should not commit it anymore. As every illness is treated with medicine, so every sin is treated with repentance.
( The Joy of the Holy. Harry M. Boosalis)